Patrick BRÉZILLON: Short CV

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Keywords  ï Biography  ï Short CV  ï Carrer in short   ï  Research project       ï  Activities related to context ï Relevant publications
 Mots Clés ï Biographie ï Court CV  ï Carrière en bref ï  Projet de Recherche ï

Research Activities in Keywords
Context-based Intelligent Assistant Systems: Artificial Intelligence, Decision Making,
Context modeling in Knowledge and Reasoning Representations (Contextual Graphs),
Context-based Knowledge Management: Acquisition, Learning, Configuration, Retrieval,
Context-based Communication Management: Cooperation, Explanation,
Current applications: Context Aware Applications, Dynamic modeling of the user, Design and Audit of Web sites.

International and National Activities

In Research Development

In scientific media: Member in two Editorial Boards, Managing Editor, Book Editor, Guest Editor, and about 100 publications and CD Roms.
In scientific events: Chair of a Steering Committee; Chair, Co-Chair and Member of Program Committees in 36 events; Invited conferences  and tutorials given in 15 events, and about 90 publications.
Vice-President of the International Society for Applied Intelligence (1998-2001).
Expert for the French Foreign Ministry in Asia and South America, and External Expert for the "Fonds Pour la Formation de Chercheurs et l'Aide à la Recherche" (Quebec, Canada), and about 10 missions in foreigner laboratories,
Member of 15 associations and working groups.
In Research Training
Adjunct Faculty at the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand (1996-2000).
Teaching in Artificial Intelligence, Master level in France and Thailand (40 hours a year).
Supervising of 40 students ( 10 Ph.D. students, 12 in Master degree, and 18 in B.Sc. degree), and participation in 21 jurys of Ph.D. thesis (supervisor, examiner, member).

In Research Administration

At LIP6 (and previously), Member of different Boards (Direction, Laboratory and Scientific Councils, others), Responsible of a research team during five years, responsibility in communication (for the design and development of the web site)
At the University Paris 6:
   - Member of the "Commission de Spécialistes" CSE27 (2000-2001)
   - Member of the Strategic Committee for the web site of the University Paris 6 (since January 2002)

Responsibility in Collaborations

International agreements between the University Paris 6 and
(1) the Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand, 1996-2001),
(2) the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil, 1997-2003),
(3) the University of Fribourg (Switzerland, since 2003).
International collaboration with the University of Hangzhou (P.R. China), NRC in Ottawa (Canada), the Instituto de Ingenieria del Conocimiento in Madrid (Spain).
Industrial collaborations with EDF (French National Power Systems Company), Banque de France, RATP (the subway company in Paris), Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, Hewlett-Packard, Cegelec, INRIA, INSERM, GEC Alsthom, Cemagref, Dupond Industrie, Editions Yvert & Tellier, Accountability Service, etc.

Personal particulars
Date of Birth 2nd of September 1949
Place of Birth Paris (France)
Nationality French
Marital situation Single 
Two daughters (born in May 1980 and December 1983)

Academic qualifications

1983       Thèse d'Etat "Place et rôle du modèle en biologie: son intérêt et ses impératifs (Tome I);
               son application à l'étude de la représentation compartimentale des métabolismes de la
               sérotonine et du calcium (Tome II)"
1973       Magister in Electronic (Section Automatic)
1972       Master Degree in Applied Physics (Option Applied Automatic)

Carrier evolution

1997-              Member of the SYSDEF team at LIP6 that merges three laboratories, including LAFORIA
1996-2002      Coordinator of the SART project (about 30 persons concerned)
1976               Entrance to CNRS as Young Researcher
1975               Army in the Scientific Contingent (stage at the Centre d'Etude Nucléaire de Saclay, France)

Other activities

Vice-President of the National Board of AGAT 1991-2000 (French Association for the Turner syndrome). Member of the Planning Committee of the International Conference on Turner Syndrome, TS-2000, Chicago, USA, September 14-17, 2000, and co-author of a paper entitled "Turner syndrome: Towards a human-centered approach."